USEPA Region 10 Office of
Environmental Assessment
ALASKA DEC Contaminated Sites Home
USEPA Region 3 Recommends using also Monte Carlo Simulation
MEPAS ® Multimedia Environmental Pollutant Assessment System - related links:
MEPAS ® Multimedia Environmental Pollutant Assessment System
Chamberlain, et al. 1993
Strenge and Chamberlain (1995)
Strenge, D. L. and P. J. Chamberlain II. 1995.
Multimedia Environmental Pollutant Assessment System (MEPAS): Exposure Pathway
and Human Health Impact Assessment Models. PNL-10523. Pacific Northwest
Laboratory, Richland, Washington.
Strenge and Chamberlain (1994)
Strenge, D. L. and P. J. Chamberlain II.
1994. Evaluation of Unit Risk Factors in Support of the Hanford Remedial Action
Environmental Impact Statement. PNL-10190, Pacific Northwest Laboratory,
Richland, Washington
Record of Decision for Eielson AFB
Operating Units 3, 4, and 5 CERCLA Sites – original ROD
Incorporates results from the Baseline
Risk Assessment (BLRA) done by Maughan, Chamberlain, and Warren - BLRA
published as U.S. Air Force document prepared by Pacific Northwest Laboratory
USEPA Region 9 Prelim. Remediation
USEPA Conceptual Guidance for Soil Screening
still use regional CERCLA guidance)
Pacific Northwest National
Idaho National Engineering &
Environmental Laboratory
Models from EPA Exposure Assessment
Modeling Center
EPA's Kerr Lab sat/unsat
& NAPL flow/transport models, properties, param. estim.
USGS Models:
Groundwater, Surface Water, Geochem., etc.
Some EPA Databases and Software
American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) Steel Structure Code
American Wood Council Publications NDS Timber Design Code
Wood Handbook (PDF format) - Forest Products Laboratory
American Concrete Institute (ACI) Concrete Structure Code
APA - The Engineered Wood Association
Canadian Wood Council (Canadian Timber Struct. Code) AWW FOUNDATION/PWF PERMANENT WOOD FOUNDATION DESIGN
Int'l Conf. of Building Officials (ICBO) UBC, IBC, and other codes
Norwegian Building Research Institute     Norwegian Log Building Standards Reflects the culmination of nearly 900 years of experience and methodological development of the superlative Scandanavian approach to log building (e.g. Norwegian haandlafting)
International Log Building Association Log Building Standards (directed to North American Log Building Methods)
Research Engineers Inc. STAAD3D, Struct ETC., Structural Eng. Software
Structural Engineers Association of California (SEAOC)
American Society of Civil Engineers
Departmental Research Reports Statistics Dept., Stanford University
USEPA Center for Environmental Statistics
International Biometric Society
American Statistical Association (ASA)
Institute of Mathematical Statistics (IMS)